Hi there, good to see you!

I'm a full-stack web developer and network security researcher

Find me: GitHub | Email

I am adept at simplifying complex problems and writing easy-to-understand code with security in mind. Additionally, I am passionate about supporting free and open-source software and have contributed to several notable projects and publications. You can check out some of my work below. If you're interested in working together, please feel free to email me for my latest résumé or anything you may need.



TypeScript, Deno

v2sing is a tool designed to seamlessly convert subscription links from the v2 or clash subscription formats to the sing-box format, ensuring compatibility and simplifying migration.


TypeScript, NodeJS, WebRTC, Vite, Vitest

CoCast is a free and open-source media casting application that allows you to watch your favorite videos with friends from anywhere in the world! With CoCast, you can invite your friends and watch videos together in real-time. It's the perfect way to catch up on the latest viral videos, enjoy a movie night with your long-distance friends, or simply share some laughs.


JavaScript, NodeJS, WebRTC, Web Crypto API

Agileshare is a file-sharing program built with security in mind that is designed to improve the in-person cross-platform file-sharing experience.

DNS Typo-squatting Domain Detection

Python, ML

DNS Typo-squatting Domain Detection project aims to classify and flag suspicious domain responses using a machine learning model, which could help increase security and prevent confidentiality and personal information breaches. This project improves the detection accuracy by 5% compared to existing solutions using the same features or achieves the same accuracy using fewer features. Thus, this project could help deploy the detection on less powerful devices.


JavaScript, Python, React, HTML, CSS, NLP, ML

UResearcher is an invaluable application for researchers to reduce unnecessary searching while providing worthwhile outlets. Some basic functions of UResearcher are organizing topics, identifying knowledge and finding missing information using Latent Knowledge Analysis with other machine learning techniques, analyzing and predicting trends for fruitful research opportunities.

Node Embeddings for Botnet Detection

Python, IoT, Botnet Detection, Deep Learning

Node Embeddings for Botnet Detection project trained DeepWalk and Node2Vec embeddings using two scenarios from the CTU-13 dataset. This project then compared the embeddings of nodes in the botnet against other nodes in the network by calculating the pairwise euclidean distance between them to distinguish the botnet.


C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Web Scraping

Albmer is a web-based application that scrapes various music-related sites for album reviews and ratings. This data is displayed to users for Billboard top music charts and for individual artists or albums available through custom searches.

Utah Transcriptome Pharmer

D3, JQuery, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS

UTP is a web-based interactive tool where any researcher can access this information to form and test hypotheses. One of the main objectives is to create an interactive dimensional reduction technique to best assess which genes are most informative and least informative for defining cell types.

SAT Vocab Game

C++, Box2D, SFML

SAT Vocab Game is a speed typing educational game designed to help learn SAT vocabulary. When the game starts, enemy words come down the screen to attack the player. The user must type out the words in order to destroy them. The goal is to survive as long as possible before getting hit.


On the (dis)Advantages of Programmable NICs for Network Security Services

IFIP Networking, Apr 2023

This study meticulously investigates the potential of programmable network interface cards (SmartNICs) to efficiently perform common cryptographic algorithms and conduct various analyses. The objective is to utilize this network device in specific tasks, with a view to enhancing overall performance and addressing certain inherent shortcomings.

Performance Analysis of Cryptographic Functions on Programmable NICs

Thesis, Aug 2022

Provided systematic cryptography analysis and secure network acceleration development on SmartNICs.

Analyzing the Impact of Topology on Flooding Attacks in Low-power IoT Networks

DCSI, Jul 2021

Evaluated flooding attacks' impacts on IoT network security using Contiki-NG-based Cooja simulator.